
Dream Dog Training Program
Board & Train at Wheatland Dog Center
Would you like to have the ability to bring your dog anywhere with you and know that they will act beautifully? How great would it be to have guests over and NEVER have to isolate your dog in the back yard or in a crate? The Dream Dog program can provide all of these things...even if you don't think it's possible for your dog right now!
By building a foundation of obedience we can address unwanted behaviors such as pulling on leash, ignoring basic commands, being unruly around guests, resource guarding, being overly fearful, lacking confidence in new places- or around new people and animals, and so much more. Big dogs, small dogs, rowdy dogs, or scared dogs, we can improve your life and relationship with all of them.
The Dream Dog Program is custom designed for each client. The program can range from 3-6 weeks in length, and includes a series of private lessons once your dog returns home, as well as ongoing training support for life.

Private Lesson Programs
Our private lesson programs are designed to teach owners how to train their dogs. Through a series of private lessons both in your home, at our facility, and out in public spaces, we will walk you through the steps to having reliable obedience, and work to improve behavioral issues and bad habits.
We offer packages designed for puppy training, basic obedience, and packages focused on helping dogs with more serious behavioral issues. Due to the owner commitment required in order for private lesson programs to be successful, an in-person consultation is required prior booking.
Puppy Raising
Whether you are planning on getting a new puppy and want to make sure you start off on the right foot, or if you currently in the midst of the sleepless nights and stressful days that puppy antics can bring.. let us help! This program is for puppies less than 5 months old. This service includes the puppy being raised in our home for two or more weeks.
Absolutely nothing can set up you and your puppy for a lifetime of happiness like investing in training early. All puppies are different, but in a short period of time we can teach your puppy to..
- Enjoy being crated
- Potty outside on command
- Come when called
- Go to "place" on command (and stay until released!)
- Greet people WITHOUT jumping
- Sit, down, and stand on command
- Walk politely on leash
- Be calm for grooming and nail trims
- To be confident, and relaxed while out in public
- and SO much more

As a small, specialized facility, we only believe in providing services that send your dog home happier and healthier than when they arrived. While here, your dog will get ample opportunities to potty and play in one of our outdoor, fenced in yards, and will never be expected to do their business in a concrete kennel. They will get to chase a ball, play on our obstacles, use their nose to their hearts delight, and even swim in our pond. More importantly, they will get relaxing one-on-one downtime and cuddles with us.
We do our best to accommodate each dogs individual needs, and our boarding is never a one-size-fits-all service.

$40 / Night